What is Vocational Education & Training (VET)?

Vocational education and training (VET) enables students to acquire skills and knowledge for work through a nationally recognised industry-developed training package or accredited course. VET is delivered, assessed, and certified by registered training organisations (RTOs).

Undertaking VET may benefit students’ exploration of a variety of career pathways; it is not just reserved for a pathway within the trades (e.g. plumbing, automotive, and construction). Students can complete VET qualifications in a diverse range of industries, including business administration, veterinary nursing, aged care, or sport and recreation.

Why study VET?
VET is an excellent choice of study for many students. It always includes practical, hands-on learning, and it can lead to excellent jobs in many fields. Studying VET as part of the SACE gives students a head start on a qualification, which is a great way to fast-track progress towards a rewarding career, while also developing independence and time-management skills. By undertaking a VET course students can gain dual accreditation, in both the SACE and a nationally accredited qualification.

VET at Parafield Gardens High School Parafield Gardens high School offers a range of VET pathways, some of which are delivered internally within our own timetable structure, along with other courses which are delivered through the Northern Region (NASSSA). These courses have been made available through the alliance formed by the 11 state schools in the Northern Adelaide Region along with TAFE and other Registered Training Organisations.