As students progress through their secondary education, the relationship between the subjects they choose at each year level and the requirements of employers or further study institutions becomes more important.

Students in Years 7-10 have some choice in what subjects they can study. The options for students allow them to meet the requirements of the Australian Curriculum.

The courses at these year levels are designed to give students a broad and comprehensive educational experience. In Stages 1 & 2, students are offered a greater degree of subject choice. During these years it becomes more important for students to plan their subject choices with future career paths or further study in mind. The learning at Year 11 and 12 allow students to meet the requirements of completing their SACE.

Obtaining correct information and counselling is important, and a number of different sources are available to students and parents.

Finally, students are involved in a careful and thorough counselling process during the time when they are making their subject choices. Counselling panels will review the student’s past academic record, the subject choices for the year to come, and the possible career paths, to ensure that the students are making realistic plans and choices for the future. Parents are invited to participate in these course counselling sessions, which are held for Year 10 and Year 11 students in early Term 4.

For more information about VET courses visit The Northern Adelaide State Secondary Schools’ Alliance here.