The study of English enables students at Parafield Gardens High School to develop skills in literacy, critical thinking, communication, analysis and evaluation.

Student literacy capabilities are crucial to their success in all facets of school and working life, and students develop this skill throughout their English studies.

From Years 8 to 10, our students are exposed to a wide range of texts and consider the interrelationships between text, context, audience, and purpose from a range of different perspectives. Students are provided opportunities to reflect, respond and create oral, written and multimodal texts in a range of genres. These skills enable students to better understand and critically evaluate their own values and the constantly evolving world around them. In Year 11, students beginning their SACE select their preferences in English pathways: Essential, General, or Literary Studies.

Essential English focuses on building student capacity to respond and communicate effectively in school and life beyond. English and Literary Studies provides students with opportunities to analyse the interrelationships within and between texts and examine the language and stylistic features used by authors for a diverse range of purposes.