Mathematics is central to numeracy.

Numeracy is the ability to understand, critically respond to and use mathematics in different social, cultural and work contexts. This includes understanding how mathematics can be used in other Learning Areas.

Parafield Gardens High School will support our students in becoming confident users of mathematics, who will choose appropriate and accurate means for exploring and understanding the world around them. Parafield Gardens High School offers a wide range of subjects in mathematics. From years 7 to 9, students will have mixed mathematics classes. In years 10-12, students will be able to decide on the level of mathematics they study based on their pathway.

Our curriculum is driven by the Australian Curriculum for years 7-10 and SACE for years 11-12, with a focus on building students capabilities in areas of critical and creative thinking, literacy, numeracy, personal and social capability, ethical understanding, ICT and intercultural understanding. Students will develop their understanding, problem-solving, reasoning, analysis and fluency in a wide range of topics in mathematics.