This is page has been designed to help parents and student with our schools ICT resources, the following links are online ICT support guides to help students with their learning at home as well as at school.

The following link provides students with the necessary information to work from home

Students ICT Information Pack.

In this online resource students will be able to find guides like:

  • Use Google Drive offline
  • DayMap password reset self-service
  • Screen recording with LOOM
  • Amongst others

Families can access the DayMap Parent Portal using the link below.

Daymap Connect is an extension of the Daymap Learning Management System which provides parents with access to key school and student information both at home and on the go.

In order for access to occur Parafield Gardens High School will need to have one current email address from one parent/caregiver. Once this is configured families can use the instructions below to access the parent portal.

If you are a new user you have two options to choose from:

  • Option 1 – Call (08) 8258 9855 and ask to be transfer to the ICT Office, one of our Support Officer will help you gain access
  • Option 2 – Click on this link Daymap Connect and then select the option Can’t access your account?
  • You be will asked to enter the email registered at the school and your child’s student ID if you go for option 2. Once you have entered the details, your username and a password reset link will be sent instantly to your email.

For further information or assistance please contact Mandeep Kaur or the ICT team on 8258 9855 .

Daymap Portal Parent Login

Google Classroom email summaries for Guardians

We deeply value our partnership with you to ensure your child achieves the best educational outcomes. Our move to Chromebooks for all students has meant that much of our students’ assessments are created within Google Classrooms. We are pleased to announce that all parents/caregivers are now able to access a direct email report of their child’s Google Classroom activity on a daily or weekly basis.

These include:

  • Missing work: Work that’s late at the time the email was sent
  • Upcoming work: Work that’s due on the day or the following day (for daily emails) or work that’s due in the upcoming week (for weekly emails)
  • Class activity: Announcements, assignments, and questions recently posted by teachers

If you would like to receive this information, you will need to accept an email invitation that will be sent to the email account you have registered with the school. Once you receive the email, there is a 120 days acceptance expiration date.

  • You’ll need to open your email invitation.
  • Click ‘Accept’. If you’re not the guardian, click I’m not the guardian.


Key features of Parafield Gardens High School

  • A culture that highly values student voice and the development of student leadership
  • Dedicated staff who place great emphasis on both student success and their own learning and continuous improvement
  • An excellent range of curriculum and specialist programs, including courses preparing students for University and Vocational training
  • In house specialist learning assistance including; accelerate programs for high achieving students, small classes for students new to English language, learning assistance to enable all students to meet our literacy and numeracy standards, cultural liaison staff, Aboriginal support teachers and disability support teachers
  • Goal setting by all students and specialist career development staff
  • Excellent ICT and computing facilities
  • A wide ranging Arts program including music, art, drama, dance, multimedia and graphic design
  • International programs including visits to other countries and hosting international students
  • An outstanding sport and extra-curricular program, including camps, inter school sports and athletics that develop our students social, emotional and physical talents.
  • As a ‘Trade School for the Future’, we deliver a wide variety of pre university STEM programs and a wide range of accelerated vocational education pathways.