Parafield Gardens High School’s attendance expectations

School starts at 8.40 am each day and finishes at 3.10 pm.

Sometimes it’s different:

  • Monday – 2:25pm finish
  • A parent or carer must provide an explanation if their child is late or has to leave early. All students must give this to student services when they sign in or out.

Attendance responsibilities

Everyone has a role to make sure students attend school all day, every day.


  • Attend school every day the school is open unless they are ill or have an approved exemption.
  • Arrive at school and to all lessons and activities on time.
  • Participate positively in all learning activities.
  • Report to student services if they arrive late or leave early. A parent or will might be contacted.

Note: a student’s age and circumstances affect the level of responsibility.

Parents and carers

  • Make sure their child attends school every day the school is open, unless they are ill or have an approved exemption.
  • Be responsible for their child’s travel to and from school.
  • Make sure their child arrives at school on time, between 8.30 am and 8.40 am.
  • Provide their child’s school with up-to-date contact details.
  • Provide a reason to the school if their child is absent, late or leaving early. The same day if possible.
  • Provide a medical certificate or written explanation if their child is ill for 3 or more days in a row.
  • Make appointments outside of school hours if possible. For example dentists or National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) providers.
  • Make appointments with NDIS providers outside of school hours.
  • Monitor their child’s attendance and classwork. Help their child to meet deadlines and catch up if needed.

Teachers and leadership team

  • Make sure all parents and carers are aware of attendance expectations, policies and procedures.
  • Accurately record each absence, late arrival or early departure with the appropriate code.
  • Contact parents or carers if there is no explanation for an absence, or a pattern of absences.
  • Document contact with parents and carers about absences, including attempts to contact.
  • Request a medical certificate from parents or carers if needed.
  • Consult with the local Student Support Services if needed. For example Social Work, Truancy.
  • Make notifications about chronic non-attendance (via the Child Abuse Report Line – CARL) guided by Responding to Abuse and Neglect – Education and Care (RAN) training and the Mandatory Reporting Guide.
  • Contact the parent or carer on the day their child is absent via automated text message
  • Home Group Teacher will contact the parent or carer on the second consecutive full day of unexplained absences via phone or email

Authorisation of exemptions

In some circumstances, the principal has authority to approve an exemption from school. This can be for up to 1 month. It can also be for up to 12 months for a family holiday.

Before asking for an exemption, families should talk to a site leader. Students must attend school until an exemption is approved.

Our school requires an exemption for absences more than 3 school days in a row. This does not include illness.

Parents or carers must apply in writing. The principal will advise them in writing of their decision. A copy is kept in the student record folder. Forms are available from Student Services or the Front Office.

Exemptions of more than 1 month (excluding holidays) must be approved by the department’s central office.

Note: Exemptions are counted as student absences from school.

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