As part of our programs, the learning hub runs every week from Monday to Thursday after school until 4:00 PM.
There are teaching and ancillary staff members supporting students who would like to get extra support with their classes, we are committed to our students and our community and we encourage every student to take advantage of this time and the support from staff members.
Learning Hub Referral Process
The focus for a referral to Learning Hub is work completion; it is not a behaviour response. While it can be used as a logical consequence to missing lesson time the focus must remain on the learning missed.
- Talk to the student about what learning they need to make up
- Gain guardian permission – this information will need to be put into the referral form and is a legal requirement
- If permission is not received a Learning Hub referral on DayMap cannot be made
- Set clear instructions of work to be completed for teachers in Learning Hub to support the student and any learning support required
- Complete a Daymap learning referral
- Kelly will mark who attends sessions but it is the teachers responsibility to follow up if students do not attend
- Support teacher will provide comments on student progress
- Must receive guardian permission before referral and put this information on the referral
- Must set work for teachers in Learning Hub to support the student
- Once received, Kelly will mark who attends. It is the teacher’s responsibility to follow up if students do not attend
- Monday will be a Maths/EALD focus day with BSSO’s available